Adding voice.
Adding insight.
Adding impact.

The Mental Health + Addictions Alliance brings together community health organizations that build innovative solutions to transform care.

We add voices, leadership, solutions, insight and impact to integrated care pathways. Meet the community health organizations who make up the Alliance:

Adding Voice

MH+A Alliance establishes partnerships with political, health, social and local leaders to create policies to support individuals living with mental health and addictions. We leverage the best possible data information systems and key metrics to support collaboration, decision-making, and best practices for mental health and addiction services.

We create solutions to inform system issues and problems. For example, our shared EMR system for Halton brings solutions and proposals to meetings.

Adding Insight

Adding Solutions

We’re creating a narrative of the human experience in the healthcare system to help providers, funders, and community leaders. Our approach includes:

An Integrated Data Storyboard that illustrates the client experience through data. The work will involve a partnership with KPMG to build the required indicators. 

A Client Pathway through multiple client services for support in the community. The story would show the opportunities to coordinate service design and funding.

A Population Health Map to integrate and better understand health issues to support care outside the common access points. (e.g., Care Value Delivery chain)

Adding Leadership

We’re influencing system changes impacting individuals living with mental health and addictions, including:

Co-Design of Client Services to identify, design, and co-create client services and staff training. This work will provide defined and measurable services to clients in the community. 

Staff Training to coordinate our collective staff and their skills. 

Sector Leadership to collaborate, coordinate, and define emerging governance and senior management opportunities to work together.

Collective Action Work to support a systematic approach to work. For example, Human Services Justice Coordinating Work.

Engagement Focus for clients, families, caregivers and other stakeholders.

$32.7M footprint in Halton


122,504 combined agency visits


13,881 people served


Value of supportive housing assets: $23.9M


242 full time employees


$148,922 collective funds raised


22,888 total in-patient/resident days


20,852 group participants


$32.7M footprint in Halton · 122,504 combined agency visits · 13,881 people served · Value of supportive housing assets: $23.9M · 242 full time employees · $148,922 collective funds raised · 22,888 total in-patient/resident days · 20,852 group participants ·

Adding Impact

Everything is not OK. 74% of Ontarians experienced an increase in mental health and substance use challenges during the pandemic. People have lost their jobs. Kids are trying to re-integrate into social experiences after not seeing their friends. Seniors have been isolated from their loved ones. At-risk populations are being overlooked. Healthcare workers are at the breaking point.

The experience in Halton is not unique, but it is distinct. The organizations that make up the MH+A Alliance are adding their voice, insights and experience so we can improve access to support and services for those who need urgent care. Those changes are happening thanks to us working together.